In an article about the history of coffee, I mentioned how coffee originated in the Middle East and was considered a gift of the gods. It was not uncommon for an agricultural region to produce at least one crop that was unique to that region.
As far as coffee seeds are concerned, it seems that there is some debate on that subject. While there is much debate among scientists about what causes the coffee beans to develop into beans, it is generally agreed that the caffeine and the water content in the beans are essential for the development of the coffee bean. At the same time, there is some disagreement on the methods used to dry the beans and the chemical processes used to turn the beans into coffee.
Beans are quite easy to develop. The basic principles of genetic engineering and cross-breeding have been employed for over a century to develop the beans, but have never been fully duplicated by anyone. Over the years, many factors were involved. The coffee bean that is given to you today might be slightly different from your uncle’s bean and from the beans of the small children who grew up in the Philippines.
Of course, the use of chemicals has increased greatly in recent times. The discovery of the compound Selenium helped with this process and although it is not considered a useful element, Selenium can help with the speed of growth.
While there is much controversy over the method used to dry the coffee beans, a variety of processes are used to dry the beans. These processes include boiling, boiling over, and fermentation.
Historically, the roasting of the coffee beans was the practice. This procedure was employed to roast the beans to create their aromatic and to create a flavor that would make them suitable for consumption. The use of water to provide a barrier between the beans and the air and/or heat helps in the drying process.
Other factors involved in the process of drying included using water to moisten the beans and helping them retain their texture after roasting. Another factor involved in the drying process was the drying shade. The shade helps reduce the length of time needed to dry the beans.
When you purchase the coffee beans, the quantity you receive is dependent on the weight of the beans and the drying process. In order to preserve the flavor of the beans, you will usually receive a smaller quantity of beans than when you purchase them directly from the farm.
The roasting process is similar to what happens to food when it is roasted, but the roasting process involves more heat. Roasting requires water to be added to the beans as they are roasted to maintain moisture. The roasting process is usually followed by cooling down the beans.
The fermentation process of the coffee beans helps in the finalization of the roasting process. Once the beans are ready, they are usually further processed to get rid of the excess moisture and to create a quality finished product.
Coffee beans are categorized into several categories depending on the type of bean and how it is developed. Some popular types of coffee beans include Arabica, Robusta, Indica, and Sativa. Based on this classification, the beans may be further categorized into different categories based on the growing regions of the beans.