Anxiety is not the same for everyone. Each person is different and has a different way of coping with different situations. The big question is, what causes anxiety? There are several factors to consider in order to understand your own problem.
What exactly makes you anxious in your daily life? The answers to this question can help determine if the anxiety you feel is a passing episode or if it might be something more serious. The various causes of anxiety can be broken down into two main categories: psychological and physiological.
For many people who have anxiety, it is tied to their mental state rather than their physical activity. This is often referred to as “reactive anxiety.”
Some people experience an extreme level of anxiety when having to deal with any emotional activity. They may be anxious when doing things they normally enjoy, like shopping or attending social functions. When this type of anxiety is experienced on a constant basis, it can be referred to as “learned anxiety.”
In some cases, there can be physical reactions to anxiety when it is intense. The most common is the shortness of breath. This can be described as an increased panic or heart rate.
Many people experience anxiety when they face a situation that scares them. One common example is public speaking. If you find yourself getting nervous before a big speech, this is probably linked to your anxieties about public speaking.
People who do not think positively can experience anxiety. These people may be considered to be introverted. Many of the fears associated with anxiety and depression are similar.
Excessive worrying or even paranoia can lead to anxiety, too. Some people find themselves feeling paranoid and having paranoia episodes. If you notice yourself getting anxious about these worries, it might be best to talk to someone who can give you advice about how to overcome your anxiety.
Different people have different experiences with anxiety. Sometimes, it is a matter of learning how to cope with it and how to make it easier to live with. Others do not face any specific problems, and they just have a general idea of what causes them.
Some things that cause anxiety for some people are related to problems that are far less serious than those of other people. One person who suffered from frequent panic attacks may be overly concerned about not having one. A loved one might worry about a problem in the home.
Just because you can identify a general problem does not mean you can cure it. There are many factors involved and it is important to learn about them. That way, you can make your life better by seeking advice from an expert.