Submit More Articles To Boost Your Pagerank

The more links your website receives over time, the higher its PageRank will prove to be. Since Google puts a lot of value on PageRank when it comes to search engine rankings, having your PageRank as high as possible should be a must-do on your website promotion agenda. Article submission …

How To Care For Your Customers

You probably think I am going to say something like, “The customer is always right.” Right?? Wrong. I have many philosophies when dealing with customers, but I definitely do not believe that the customer is always right. However, when the customer is wrong, you must handle the situation delicately. There …

The Highs and Lows of Bipolar Disorder

Sometimes depression seems to come out of the blues, even during times that things are going rather well. Sometimes the mania seems to just fall upon you, even at times when there is nothing to be excited about. But all the time, bipolar disorder is not a good thing to …